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From cradle, we are confined to a world of guidance and counselling. Our parents, tutors, elders and role models alike all had something to talk to us about. We were guided as to what and what not to do, when and when not to do those, where and where not to do, and even how and how not to. Do not touch that, wear that, take that that, and so on. We were the dump yard of instructions, rules and regulations. However, all these were borne from good intent. The most loving of hearts tried have our best at heart, yet we turned out this way; different. In adolescence, we began a resistance: protesting for our liberty to be responsible for what, when, where and how we did whatever. Many of us prevailed over our guardians. It was a fuss all the time, and finally they gave up.  You know what, I'm done talking to you and you don't listen to me. There's the key to your life, take it and just drive. You will bear the consequences from now on. Yeah right! Many have regrette


Thinking patterns our ambition in alignment to our imagination. When we think, much of what is in our minds finds bearing to become manifest by our hands. For many, thinking is the way forward. For others, thinking never did them much good, cos often times, they get lucky acting irrationally.  Thoughts are life's way of seeking our permission and cooperation to making realities and possibilities. Nothing becomes in life, until someone thinks. Nothing happens in life, until someone fields their thought. When our minds get notions, ideas or inspirations, it is either between or after thoughts. Thinking opens our minds to receive possibilities. IsraelEgwe's school of thought thinks " every thought is a possibility, if factored in their right times ." What this means is, any thing at all that crosses your mind or you imagine, are all a possibility.  Their possibility is only spread across different times that allows for their manifestations. For instance, I ma


My  Idea of Virginity is unpopular among folks, but I can not be denied the right to thinking logically. As I think logically, I denote my own truth.  Virginity is supposedly defined as celibacy from time of birth. Religiously speaking, a virgin is commonly seen as anyone who has not had sexual relationship before. Nowadays, a virgin may be intimate with a man; I mean, she will get kissed, sucked, licked, fondled, and at times, anal fucked. But she remains a virgin if her hymen (if present) is intact, or her vagina has not hosted a dick before. How ridiculous is this, that the emphasis of this religious term is on sexual intercourse, involving the major sexual organs of the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. There even is a thing called anal virgins now: assholes that have never been fucked. Most of us are virgins in this regard.  Secular emphasis has now been added on the subject. Society now has a class of oral virgins(mouths that have never fucked, sucked or rimmed), ti


  There is that tendency lurking within your members. In your heart, or say, your mind, there is that prompting to be bitter or angry at the success, celebration, happiness or testimony of another. Your bestie is getting married, you think you are happy until you check with your flesh. Deep inside you feel jealous. That evil nature in every man strikes a chord; "You should be married first, but you don't even have a relationship". Your classmate got a job, you should be happy, but you don't know why you're not. Your former relationship partner (Ex if you like) got married after you broke up, "why should I be happy?" right? you see what I mean now.  Do you wish she never got married? Do you wish his fiancee jilts him and he comes running back to you? You can not help but not be happy, or too happy for them in such scenarios. There is that bad guy in everyone of us; the flesh. No matter the circumstances leading to your break-up, should you wish someone ba


There is that weight on our minds that we carry. There is that push on our Will that will not tarry. There is that voice in our heads telling us to do it now, or never, anyhow. There is that intuition to allow out emotions manifest. There is but one thing happening to us, Pressure. You can not deny it. It is as strong as our desires. An item, a thought, a prompting oppressing our minds: Pressure pushes for our doing, many times it becomes our undoing . When posed with the need to do something urgently, we would often feel a weight. Our relief would be when we do the needful. This needful is often times not what we need, but what our oppressed desires want. We can not help but realise that our minds are oppressed by a force we can not reckon, to do what others do, or get what they have, or proof a point.  The pressure could be external or internal. Most is usually externally. Our succumbing to them gives them a field day in our lives. Peer pressure, pressure from spouse, family, work a


  Spirituality, especially Christian spirituality, would do little to ensuring such perceived extensions if one is not deliberately health Wise. Even the most fire-branded 'men of God' die short. They excuse their negligence with the tag "Divine Will". Called to glory when their impact is not needed in heaven in the first place. What were they rushing to heaven to do? I would wonder.  God knows man's life to be as short as a breathe, yet HE made them for a purpose, each one of us. Though a thousand years be nothing more than a day to ELOHIM, man was to live as short as a tithe of it. Why spend a second(a breathe) on earth and go to heaven accusing GOD of calling you home? HE didn't call you. You were negligent, principles shortened your journey, and HE received you home.  120 years is the set mark for man established under heaven; However, your nearing or reaching it has more to do with you than the Divine Will. Consider a healthy environment with it's cle


  Don't bother about life. place your value on Time and life will comply. People who say that life is not fair have only misplaced their values. They are ignorant of their duties in time and seasons. That which takes your time is taking your life.  Ref. 1 Chronicles.12:32 When you place value on Time, you make meaning of it. You understand it; it in turn places a sense of responsibility on you. Time is also a unit of destiny as it is of life. Every expenditure(of time) counts. Ref. Ecclesiates 3 There should be a time for everything in your life, other wise you will find yourself in an unhealthy situation every other time. Place a time value on devotion, prayer, study, exercise, meals, news, relationship, etc. Such times are not exclusive to the material clock. Time is also revealed by promptings, leadings, opportunities, revelations and faith. Your Value on time should not be selfish or godless. FOR EVERY MEETING YOU OVERSEE, ANY EXCEEDANCE UNDERMINES THE LIFE OF THE PARTICIPANTS.


In that little mind lurks the most immature concepts there is. In that childishness resides the most ridiculous context ever. In that notebook is a series of child's play drawings and pointless stories.  But, we would support their immaturity with our experience. We would attend to their childishness by our participation. We would encourage their jottings with more funds. 


  Words get my attention more than anything else, visual or sensual. As I am quite careful of my utterances, I demand same of others. However, it is seldom so; that people are mindful of their words and that for which they imply. Words said may make a meagre percentage in communication, but those few words are enough to set a whole city on fire, give one sleepless nights, or subject one to future torture.  I have captured in my book # fieldingthoughts, you can get it on ;  how that words are the only realities in this cosmos. Every single innovation are active words.  When people talk, I watch what they say. What is said is what is laid. It is what is seen. Listen instead, if you may. But that is what it is, I see words. Nothing else! That way I also look out for words my active Spirit may or may not condone. Carefree people may not watch what they say, but please do it for them. Atleast for your own good. BE GUIDED! BE LED! #WordCare #IsraelEgwe


  Put this in the Press of your heart: As you live through life, you may never impress me. If you do, it will not profit you. And you should be at peace with that. To live to impress is to perpetually put yourself under pressure to abandon your purpose and pursue the purposes of others.  There is the need to activate a press(ure) release. In that pressure you feel, is your peace and purpose drowning. Reach out for them in the hollow of your mind, and bring them to the fore of your living. You do not live to impress. Be that as it may, you do not become slothful in business, you do not lose your fervency in any service, because you choose not to exist to impress everyone. Otherwise, you will lose favour and goodwill with GOD and Man. And you need them both. BE GUIDED! BE LED! #inPress #press_Release #IsraelEgwe


All women are beautiful, as are all men handsome. But the thing about beauty is this, it will take a sensitivity for it to be recognized. And this sense is not all evenly distributed among beholders. I may not be sensitive to your beauty, as such, I may not judge you beautiful. Another may be so sensitive to it. However, IDEALLY, I will not judge you ugly because my discernment does not accommodate your beauty, I would rather understand that I am not sensitive to it.


  Our chance to comprehend such matters, a fair opportunity for others to commit themselves to your reason, and atleast, a regard for our intellectual contributions; these things are not too great a demand to ask of you. Yet, you disregard our abilities when you have not given us any chance. You dismiss our input at a glance. You are quick to judge us inept of comprehension when you have not tried to make us understand. You curse us, though unconsciously, I may assume. You undermine our intellect and oppress our mentality with the phrase "You won't understand". How dare you?! How could you deprive us so?  When it was you who called us for such matters in the first place, it was you who began such conversations, and moreso, you expect people to care to reason with you, or ask after your welfare. Yet you subject them to evitable ridicule.  Hmmm. We may never have gone through what you are in, howbeit, counsel is not exclusive to experience, but subject to understanding. &qu



The want of a kind of spec to find in a spouse is the "why" many have not had it well in marriage. Ladies particularly have it envisioned that they will be spoilt for choices to pick from. Only few have no such uncertain visions on selectivity. Yet these handful have it specific, the type of man they desire to spend a lifelong, or atleast, half of a lifelong matrimony with.  Now, some are yet to settle down, whereas some have already been ensnared in marriage, divorce being most likely. Many talkers among these lots want a 6-ft tall, 6-packs bricked stomach and a 6-figure rich man (in what ever currency they deem convenient). 666 is not vague now you see.  These Christian sisters may be wary of end time stories; how that to reject the mark of the beast remains the way out to salvation for the church that would be left behind after the rapture. Those were some of the interesting end-time stories that greeted our childhood.  However, they have adopted the mark of the beast; bei


Life itself is all about judgement.  The summary of life is a sum of all your life's judgements. What we eat, who we meet; where we go, even our religion; we judge them convenient for us, so we indulge. Hence, we live righteously by judging righteously. As we live, men are able to learn of us the righteousness of God. Our life become exemplary for men to adopt when they see the righteousness of God in us, they so learn. In our places on the MOUNTAINS OF INFLUENCE, it is our judging righteously that will, in the long run, result to soundness and righteousness in our society. We are headed for the Mountains of Influence, not to make a living by earning money, not to make a name by being diligent; but to establish the kingdom of God, His righteousness. This we will do by judging righteously. Also, Judging righteously does not assume us weaklings in the earth. We are gods born of the consuming fire as well. If there be any contention or satanic opposition through mortal vessels, Under


Days ago, we had a bible study where we discussed the 'how to' in discharging judgement as gods ( Psalms 82 ) in this world. I was assigned Psalms 72:2-3 to comment on. So, I read thus;  " Help him to give true justice to your people, honorably and equally to all. Then the mountains of influence will be fruitful, and from your righteousness prosperity and peace will flow to all the people." _Psalms 72:2‭-‬3 TPT Now, here is my Understanding: As we take a cue from Christ concerning his judgement, he never condemned any sinner, but charged them with grace, unto righteousness.  The judgement of God is to the end that men become righteous.  By grace, the judgement of God is unto salvation and not condemnation or termination ( Isaiah 26:9 ). This does not allow for our misbehaving under grace anyways. In the years BC, every dreadful act of God's judgement was to the end that hardened hearts would succumb to the Divine order of righteousness (Long story). Now, under th


  "Poverty is measured with/by IMPACT than anything else material. Impact that does not only produce your kind, but begets the kind that your nation needs, for the attainment of unity, faith, peace, and progress; is what prosperity defines. Many are poor."    Many who think themselves a blessing, are rather only producing their kind: corrupt, godless, beastly and demonized. Such perverse impact is the worst form of poverty in any society. Liabilities! Paupers! Unfortunately, youths in Nigeria are now treading that path in desperation, becoming paupers with properties.  BE GUIDED! BE LED! #Paupers #IsraelEgwe


An Experience is not for the purpose of record keeping or adventure, it is to the end that there is an advancement; a Shift. An experience is to the degree that a man is exposed to knowledge, and initiated into a reality.




Where is your sprout? where are your wings? Growth is consistent with life: planted seeds sprout into seedlings and eventually, that seed becomes a tree of fruits.  Also, the maturity of chicks is confirmed upon a perfected plumage. Soon enough, the dependent hatchling becomes the independent eagle that takes flight.