From cradle, we are confined to a world of guidance and counselling. Our parents, tutors, elders and role models alike all had something to talk to us about. We were guided as to what and what not to do, when and when not to do those, where and where not to do, and even how and how not to. Do not touch that, wear that, take that that, and so on. We were the dump yard of instructions, rules and regulations. However, all these were borne from good intent. The most loving of hearts tried have our best at heart, yet we turned out this way; different. In adolescence, we began a resistance: protesting for our liberty to be responsible for what, when, where and how we did whatever. Many of us prevailed over our guardians. It was a fuss all the time, and finally they gave up. You know what, I'm done talking to you and you don't listen to me. There's the key to your life, take it and just drive. You will bear the consequences from now on. Yeah right! Many have regrette...
Engage your mind with the most valid words. Then determine your truth. Make the most out of these words, conceiving the best of pictures. Watch the most exquisite pictures with the eyes of your mind, as they communicate soul lifting realities. Get acquainted with the latest awe inspiring notes on fiction, non-fiction, faith, politics, religion, rights, gender and logic.