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The want of a kind of spec to find in a spouse is the "why" many have not had it well in marriage. Ladies particularly have it envisioned that they will be spoilt for choices to pick from. Only few have no such uncertain visions on selectivity. Yet these handful have it specific, the type of man they desire to spend a lifelong, or atleast, half of a lifelong matrimony with. 

Now, some are yet to settle down, whereas some have already been ensnared in marriage, divorce being most likely. Many talkers among these lots want a 6-ft tall, 6-packs bricked stomach and a 6-figure rich man (in what ever currency they deem convenient).

666 is not vague now you see. 

These Christian sisters may be wary of end time stories; how that to reject the mark of the beast remains the way out to salvation for the church that would be left behind after the rapture. Those were some of the interesting end-time stories that greeted our childhood. 

However, they have adopted the mark of the beast; being drawn away to their own lust. They keep imprinting such marks on their minds. IT IS MORE THAN A NUMBER NOW, IT IS A MENTALITY.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom...", JESUS Christ so commands. 

The Antichrist commands otherwise: that you seek first your luxury. 

As Christ is all about the Kingdom, His righteousness; the Antichrist is all about vanities. He has inscribed vanity on the minds of sisters. Many such vanities have ushered countless souls 6-ft deep. They sought for a man to give them paradise, but got a beast in disguise. Indeed, the fastest way 6-ft down the ground is often times luxurious.

May the Lord give you understanding.






Our Found Writing 📝

Whether fiction or nonfiction, we tell tales that promote reason. We write stories that convey lessons. We convey first hand messages that had not been written anywhere before. We present knowledge in the simplest, choicest, juicest and most direct of ways, for your assimilation. Hoping that you rightly apply that which you understand in your field of life.  FoundWrite is a brainchild of IsraelEgwe . He is the " foundwriter ", a content writer and public health scientist. A believer of logic, originality, excellence and love, with foundations in Christianity, African Tradition, and Medical Science; he explores the books of the bible and medicine, coupled with inspirations, to bring out the most inspiring literature. He also commits himself to alone time for the very purpose of meditation, deep thinking and self reflection. All in an attempt to employ his passion for writing to impact millions around the world. For him, Life is all about impact.  One of his popular founded id


Thinking patterns our ambition in alignment to our imagination. When we think, much of what is in our minds finds bearing to become manifest by our hands. For many, thinking is the way forward. For others, thinking never did them much good, cos often times, they get lucky acting irrationally.  Thoughts are life's way of seeking our permission and cooperation to making realities and possibilities. Nothing becomes in life, until someone thinks. Nothing happens in life, until someone fields their thought. When our minds get notions, ideas or inspirations, it is either between or after thoughts. Thinking opens our minds to receive possibilities. IsraelEgwe's school of thought thinks " every thought is a possibility, if factored in their right times ." What this means is, any thing at all that crosses your mind or you imagine, are all a possibility.  Their possibility is only spread across different times that allows for their manifestations. For instance, I ma