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Showing posts with the label Bible Root


  There is that tendency lurking within your members. In your heart, or say, your mind, there is that prompting to be bitter or angry at the success, celebration, happiness or testimony of another. Your bestie is getting married, you think you are happy until you check with your flesh. Deep inside you feel jealous. That evil nature in every man strikes a chord; "You should be married first, but you don't even have a relationship". Your classmate got a job, you should be happy, but you don't know why you're not. Your former relationship partner (Ex if you like) got married after you broke up, "why should I be happy?" right? you see what I mean now.  Do you wish she never got married? Do you wish his fiancee jilts him and he comes running back to you? You can not help but not be happy, or too happy for them in such scenarios. There is that bad guy in everyone of us; the flesh. No matter the circumstances leading to your break-up, should you wish someone ba


  "There is a way that seems right... but the end is death." Proverbs 14:12 The reverse is also true: There is another way that is assuredly right, the end which is life." This path I would that you choose.  In every man's life, choices are made from time to time. WAYS ARE THE WAYS OF LIFE. For every need to live on, there remains a way that we must tread. We must all GO A WAY. Just one way. At a time. In this dispensation of time, no way is without the possibility of a U-turn. But beyond time, the end is eternal. Choices bear eternal consequences beyond this physical realm. In life's dealings, we make choices that rational minds would, after thoughts and consultations, to build their life's worth. However, the measure of it may be wealth, health or posterity. These choices are "GO WAYS" taken by the conscious mind to realise life's possibilities. Howbeit, there remains also a concern to settle. For those that believe there is a life after her


  Don't bother about life. place your value on Time and life will comply. People who say that life is not fair have only misplaced their values. They are ignorant of their duties in time and seasons. That which takes your time is taking your life.  Ref. 1 Chronicles.12:32 When you place value on Time, you make meaning of it. You understand it; it in turn places a sense of responsibility on you. Time is also a unit of destiny as it is of life. Every expenditure(of time) counts. Ref. Ecclesiates 3 There should be a time for everything in your life, other wise you will find yourself in an unhealthy situation every other time. Place a time value on devotion, prayer, study, exercise, meals, news, relationship, etc. Such times are not exclusive to the material clock. Time is also revealed by promptings, leadings, opportunities, revelations and faith. Your Value on time should not be selfish or godless. FOR EVERY MEETING YOU OVERSEE, ANY EXCEEDANCE UNDERMINES THE LIFE OF THE PARTICIPANTS.


" I prayed when I did because I did not feel like praying at that time ." _IsraelEgwe Ever felt like your prayers don't matter any more? Ever felt like you should do anything else but pray? Ever felt exhausted, too tired to raise your feet or twitch your lips? You may have been at your best moments to plug in to that prayer power. Just Pray! I may feel too weak in body, I will pray. I may feel guilty of something I just did wrong, I will still pray. I may feel like there is no God anywhere, but I will pray anyway.  I may feel stupid praying to an imaginary being, I still pray. It doesn't matter if I do anyway. I may think less of myself, rejected by all in fact, but I will pray. Things may tell me otherwise, but on this wise I pray still. The future looking bleak, I'm scared of tomorrow; I will pray. When circumstances present a soft spot to idle away, whining in depression, I just do a makeover by praying. I do not have to go complaining to God and cu


  Words get my attention more than anything else, visual or sensual. As I am quite careful of my utterances, I demand same of others. However, it is seldom so; that people are mindful of their words and that for which they imply. Words said may make a meagre percentage in communication, but those few words are enough to set a whole city on fire, give one sleepless nights, or subject one to future torture.  I have captured in my book # fieldingthoughts, you can get it on ;  how that words are the only realities in this cosmos. Every single innovation are active words.  When people talk, I watch what they say. What is said is what is laid. It is what is seen. Listen instead, if you may. But that is what it is, I see words. Nothing else! That way I also look out for words my active Spirit may or may not condone. Carefree people may not watch what they say, but please do it for them. Atleast for your own good. BE GUIDED! BE LED! #WordCare #IsraelEgwe


  Trust doesn't always end well. But I know One...  Trust for some is a sentence to deterioration and impending putrefaction. They blindly followed until their belief system could not sustain their preservation, hence they were abandoned to decay. Who and what they believed failed them. As I speak, these ones have imbibed the sense that "to trust is to rust". It is valid, but not true.  I know One: there is One that has never failed me. He is the only One in this light. Those who have trusted HIM before me, are never ashamed. HE Himself has warned that we put no trust in man, neither should we trust in resources or the arm of flesh. There is a curse on those who trust in man; it is to-rust. The one I know is YAHWEH.  What have you been trusting in? Who do Trust? Trust God.  BE GUIDED! BE LED! #To_rust #TrustGod #IsraelEgwe


Hope is grossly limited, vain infact, in a world where the factors of chance, distance and happenstance hold sway. Hope is better explored in bringing needed results in the realm of the Spirit, where none of those factors afore mentioned exert any influence. Those physically alive may have hope, and be encouraged to keep hope alive; however, only the hope of "the Living" makes not ashame. Those alive only exist to be imparted by life, expecting anything, and for better.  Those Living expect nothing but resultant effects of what they give to life .  To be hopeful of great positive results, we must be among "the Living", more than we are just alive. BE GUIDED! BE LED!  #LivelyHope #IsraelEgwe


  Our chance to comprehend such matters, a fair opportunity for others to commit themselves to your reason, and atleast, a regard for our intellectual contributions; these things are not too great a demand to ask of you. Yet, you disregard our abilities when you have not given us any chance. You dismiss our input at a glance. You are quick to judge us inept of comprehension when you have not tried to make us understand. You curse us, though unconsciously, I may assume. You undermine our intellect and oppress our mentality with the phrase "You won't understand". How dare you?! How could you deprive us so?  When it was you who called us for such matters in the first place, it was you who began such conversations, and moreso, you expect people to care to reason with you, or ask after your welfare. Yet you subject them to evitable ridicule.  Hmmm. We may never have gone through what you are in, howbeit, counsel is not exclusive to experience, but subject to understanding. &qu



The want of a kind of spec to find in a spouse is the "why" many have not had it well in marriage. Ladies particularly have it envisioned that they will be spoilt for choices to pick from. Only few have no such uncertain visions on selectivity. Yet these handful have it specific, the type of man they desire to spend a lifelong, or atleast, half of a lifelong matrimony with.  Now, some are yet to settle down, whereas some have already been ensnared in marriage, divorce being most likely. Many talkers among these lots want a 6-ft tall, 6-packs bricked stomach and a 6-figure rich man (in what ever currency they deem convenient). 666 is not vague now you see.  These Christian sisters may be wary of end time stories; how that to reject the mark of the beast remains the way out to salvation for the church that would be left behind after the rapture. Those were some of the interesting end-time stories that greeted our childhood.  However, they have adopted the mark of the beast; bei


Life itself is all about judgement.  The summary of life is a sum of all your life's judgements. What we eat, who we meet; where we go, even our religion; we judge them convenient for us, so we indulge. Hence, we live righteously by judging righteously. As we live, men are able to learn of us the righteousness of God. Our life become exemplary for men to adopt when they see the righteousness of God in us, they so learn. In our places on the MOUNTAINS OF INFLUENCE, it is our judging righteously that will, in the long run, result to soundness and righteousness in our society. We are headed for the Mountains of Influence, not to make a living by earning money, not to make a name by being diligent; but to establish the kingdom of God, His righteousness. This we will do by judging righteously. Also, Judging righteously does not assume us weaklings in the earth. We are gods born of the consuming fire as well. If there be any contention or satanic opposition through mortal vessels, Under


Days ago, we had a bible study where we discussed the 'how to' in discharging judgement as gods ( Psalms 82 ) in this world. I was assigned Psalms 72:2-3 to comment on. So, I read thus;  " Help him to give true justice to your people, honorably and equally to all. Then the mountains of influence will be fruitful, and from your righteousness prosperity and peace will flow to all the people." _Psalms 72:2‭-‬3 TPT Now, here is my Understanding: As we take a cue from Christ concerning his judgement, he never condemned any sinner, but charged them with grace, unto righteousness.  The judgement of God is to the end that men become righteous.  By grace, the judgement of God is unto salvation and not condemnation or termination ( Isaiah 26:9 ). This does not allow for our misbehaving under grace anyways. In the years BC, every dreadful act of God's judgement was to the end that hardened hearts would succumb to the Divine order of righteousness (Long story). Now, under th


An Experience is not for the purpose of record keeping or adventure, it is to the end that there is an advancement; a Shift. An experience is to the degree that a man is exposed to knowledge, and initiated into a reality.


Where is your sprout? where are your wings? Growth is consistent with life: planted seeds sprout into seedlings and eventually, that seed becomes a tree of fruits.  Also, the maturity of chicks is confirmed upon a perfected plumage. Soon enough, the dependent hatchling becomes the independent eagle that takes flight.


Ignorance and disorganization is the culture of beasts (Psalms 73:22, 80:13). People act the way you see them, because they only know so much or too little to act otherwise. In biblical numerology, 6 is the number for both man and beast. In manifestation, Man and beast are only 6-inches apart, and the difference in their manifestation is in the use of their number-6 (brain). It goes to say that without question, Mentality is the difference between sanity and monstrosity. That a spouse bullies their family, is not farfetched from the truth: they lack requisite mentality. That people terrorize a community and maim bodies, is also not a shocker: they do not have the right understanding to life. And a person hoarding or siphoning what is due a community, is even worse; beasts that should die this instant! Beasts are meant to die. One that is confirmed a threat to life and living, need not prosper in the very thing they pose a threat to, atleast. If every attempt at taming fails for a man c


"Man without understanding is the similitude of a beast that should die." _Psalms 49:20 Man, like any other beast (animal), is born into the wild. They are born wild, to say the least. Though perceived pure and tagged innocent, there was the need for a taming, to groom them well-behaved and mild. This takes years of learning to attain, else they grow into the vilest of offenders. The common among them being desperately wicked at heart, however harmless they were at birth. The taming of man is done on the credit of knowledge.   The right knowledge is capable of producing saints out of men, as would its bankruptcy produce beasts of great burdens to life.  A knowing and an understanding is often the disparity between animals and man.   However, whether our minds are receptive to relevant knowledge or adaptive to reason, remains subjective.  As far as man would not know what is applicable to life, they are no more than beasts on rampage .  If understanding of the demands on us, o


In the Luke 15 , a popular story themed "The Prodigal Son" was told. A son asked to be given the liberty to spend his inheritance, and to our surprise, his Father obliged him.  We discussed this story in a bible study recently. A question was asked, as to why the Father did not go after the son in an attempt to persuade him to return home. Someone even called the father a bad one for letting his son go (haha). CHECKOUT THIS TRUTH: Matthew 18:12, the Lord went after the one lost sheep at the expense of the 99. That scripture is still relevant in this wise. The father actually went after the son: we can liken the reality of this fact to a parent praying for their wayward child to return to the right path. Their heart goes with them in prayers. So, the heart of the Father is the substance of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit KNOWS the heart of the father, He is also one with it. The Holy Spirit of conviction, who is from the Father, comes for us and admonishes us to be resolute in ret


I need Comfort. As much as you do, I too. I do not encourage our staying in theoretical zones of lethargy & wanton inactivity.  "I am are tired of the heartbreaks and failed havens I thought I secured for myself. Comfort only comes to me when I am deep in sorrow over a loss or heartbreak. Even then, who would do enough? Now, I am afraid of trying again."  Oh dear! I am so sorry you had to go through all that mental torture. It is high time we get to stay comfortably in that relationship, having arrested the fear of another crash. But, I do not lay emphasis on our consolation in times of woes. But rather, that we explored our rest in EloHIM. Rest assured, we are implicated to enjoy all things in Christ . And more so, have all things pertinent to our living, by our believing in HIS word that HE will never leave or forsake us. In GOD is our comfort assured, once we receive HIS word by Faith.  The profit of Comfort makes for our livelihood. Outside comfort is instability &