We know you're equally or overly powerfully prayerful, you can hear God just as we can. Right. Now hold your heaven-bound long ears well:
If you need measures in prayers over a matter, there are friends around you that are gifted in handling such weighty matters, however trivial they may seem. And however familiar they may be to you, GOD has so deem it fit to show them mercy. As such, even your senior pastor's prayers would seem not to produce any results, until theirs.
That "boy" you once imparted, weak fellow if you recall; and now they're gifted of GOD in healing; kindly drop your prayer fire & accept a simple prayer from them.
Hey! Sister! That friend of yours is not in your life only for socialisation. GET FAMILIAR WITH EMPLOYING THEIR SPIRITUAL GIFTS RATHER THAN JUST CONJURE THEIR COMPANY.
Beloved, in the order of Daniel 2:17-18, employ the gift of friends for drastic results. Like Daniel, you may house them or feed them, you may even clothe them and coach them on spiritual matters, but they are what GOD has made them, GIFTS to you and nothing less.
Ah! May pride not cost you.