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Short and elaborate articles on real life world and home country issues are contained in this space. 

With aspects of politics, security, government, economy, culture, rights, etc. leaving a lot to talk about.

1.  YAHOO PLUS : are you next?

 by IsraelEgwe

Nigeria is known for producing one of the world's smartest and notorious cyber criminals. What a feat. Unfortunately, I do not share in that gory glory. I am rather too moral to be that fraudulent. Too legalistic to employ crime for filthy lucre. Perhaps, if I didn't know any better, I would be much richer with less efforts by now. Still I am not worried how "poor" I am, how slow my journey to wealth is right now, I am contented with my clean record, both in my conscience and with the legal system.

By and large, the Nigeria youths keep pursuing quick wealth. To buy a house, buy a Benz and take care of their family, or perhaps those still alive preserved for future sacrifices; this is the goal of their scheme.

The whites and brownies, caucasians and saudis are getting wary by the day. They are aware of the devices of these young plotters, as such these guys have resorted to diabolism in order to compel their victims to do their biddings. If the human mind will be cajoled to do what they would not ordinarily do, and do it expressly, that would only be by the instrumentality of spiritual vices. 

Unfortunately, these community of victims down West, Asia and the East do not believe such things as hypnotism exists. They may not believe in the existence of the spiritual, or it's potency. Perhaps, Juju is just a word in the dictionary that is associated with the west African traditional practice and worships of imaginary deities that supposedly are represented as powerless fetish items, images, subjects and animals. Voodoo, as they call it, only works in Africa. Right. They are quite logical, and their assertions are valid. However, they keep falling prey to the bewitchment and charms of these youngsters.

On another thought, I find these victims responsible for their woes:

First, they are greedy of cheap gains from the African continent. Second, greedy for cheap gratification of their immoral appetite, illegal and perverse lifestyles by supposed online hookers or clientele. Third, their selfishness drives them to put pleasing themselves over others, including their disguised predator. Fourth, their gullibility makes them think they can find love online across continents. Fifth, they are careless spenders who are not prudent or circumspect. I could go on and on. It gets more ridiculous. These, among many reasons, allows for the interests of these victims to be exploited by the cyber-crimimals.

Getting access to their victims purse is an herculean task. Some times they are lucky, sometimes they are not. Even when they disguise as some other Caucasian, their skills do not always go undetected. Some times they will employ the services of hackers to leak the wallets of their victims. Other times, they just trust their wits, guts and luck to win their victims. 

Now, the devil's bane is employed now. For the purpose of quick and unquestionable cooperation of their prey, they indulge in hypnotic rituals. These rituals demands a lot from them. Some require the life of someone dear to them, usually their girlfriends. They are killed and their vitals are removed for the rituals. Sometimes, the girlfriend's lives are preserved, but they remain useless to themselves and society, after they are dumped ofcourse. Their panties, menstrual pad, or any other item with their blood on, are used for such rituals. 

For the girls used, they may become violent, irritably restless and careless once the ritual is complete. Other times, the person donated as sacrifice for these rituals lose their minds completely: they go mad on the streets, feeding on dump, until they are taken into the nearest psychiatric facility by the government. This ritual that takes the mind of one, fortifies them to convince their victims by controlling their minds. They would ask and receive, talk and you will do, touch and you will follow. The strongest of these charms require the hardest sacrifices, like that requiring a human life and fresh body parts. They cast the strongest spells on their prey. Their prey do as they are told, irrespective of legal consultations they make. 

The ones that require the female wears, the end charms are weaker in effect. They are just enough to win clients over, but getting things out of them would require skill-set and effective communication. Obviously, it takes longer time.

What youths like myself, and younger are willing to do now for money, is unbelievable. Worse, parents are now keying into the venture of cybercrime. A woman was reported telling his teenage son to forget about school, since it was a burden now. She offered to get her son(14) acquainted with a "successful" fraudster in the area, so that he could learn the trade of yahoo-yahoo. 

Surprisingly, many parents do not question the source of their children's flamboyant lifestyles. We are talking about teenagers and youths in their early twenties. These youths are sent to school, but bring cars home, renovate their parents home, spend millions on birthdays, and so on.

2. YAHOO PLUS: any hope for the youths?

by IsraelEgwe

Parents just want to enjoy the dividends of their loot, because that is all that matters to the African parent; that children are able to take care of their parents. The source of such expenditures does not matter to these immoral parents.

Fact remains, these youngsters may desire to attain a higher level of fraud soon. They would need more command of the will of their victims, more access to developed worlds, and to more prominent billionaires of the world. Getting control of the minds and pockets of these guys would be hitting the greatest mark of all time. And so, little do these parents know that they may become the next sacrifice of their children's diabolic ploys.

There is yahoo-yahoo, yahoo +, yahoo++, yahoo+++, etc. These are terms define the levels of notoriety that the scheme entails.

The first tier is void of diabolism entirely. It is purely skills and cyber exploration. It is the level of freshers who just ventured into it. They may be two or more, up to twenty, who squat with a big gamer (one who has recorded some level of success in the venture) to learn the art. These big gamer gives them targets which they must meet, else dire consequences including bullying, whipping or starvation can be meted out. Although, these "fresher" do not use diabolic means, the big gamer most likely is on the Yahoo+ level. He would only initiate interested freshers after they have made their first 'maga' to pay. Once these freshers struggle with getting their next maga to pay, they are shown an easier way out; so far they are willing to pay the price for the next level of their crimes. For each plus, there is a higher price to pay. The +++ (triple plus) gamers are lords of towns and cities: they are the big boys in town, riding the latest luxury cars and throwing the biggest parties. They hardly even stay within the country. The +++ gamers also deal in drugs like cocaine, meth, etc. They also go big on hacking and duping government agencies, business tycoons and corporations. When these big criminals suspect a close watch from government financial crimes agencies, they begin diversifying their funds into crypto, forex, music, comedy, real estate, clubs, hotels or politics; to take eyes tailing them off their backs. By so doing, they put face to these businesses as their legitimate source of income. Yet still depending on cybercrime and drug deals to fund their extravagance.

Economic and financial crimes commission in Nigeria has over the years corporated with other agencies around the world that find these criminals out. Also, many arrests are being made locally too. Yet, the aftermath of these arrests is more than meets the eye. We only see it in the news; arrests made, phones, laptops and cars seized; yet these items are unaccounted for. These suspects are released without charge. Some of these youngsters have been reported to boast of their influence over the law enforcement system. 

One said; 

Guys wey dem arrest na those wey no roger men (referring to the government law enforcement agents) dem. Those sent to jail are those who cannot buy their way out later. These men know where we dey for hotels and lodge. When they catch us, dem dey ask for their cut or threaten to take us go their facility. Their cut na usually around 400 to 500 dollars equated to naira. We dey price am to 400 las las. If you nor wire the money there there for Hilux, na facility be dat. For their office, the cost dey reach 1000 dollars. If you nor pay, then na police news be that. To enter news na bad market, and you would not want that. Although, after there, bail dey reduce to as low as 100dolls, but you go don lose clients and time. You devices nor go return. Na scratch be that. E go red. So, these men, we know their ways.

The deplorable states of the economy and the law enforcement outfit of government keep pushing the youths into crime and giving them confidence to stay in these crimes respectively. This is no excuse however. No excuse is good enough to be criminal. What is illegal has no justification in a sane society governed by laws. 

The degree of decadence is on the rise. Morality is leaving the streets. Legitimacy is going extinct. Youths are becoming all the more epidemic to the society. Rituals is taking the lives of the girl child. A handful moral youths are now losing interest in hardwork, intimidated by the fast rising younger millionaires who are fraudulent. 

Fact is, this cybercrime is pandemic now. So, watch your greed. Cure yourself of selfishness. Guard your mind from corruption. Parents, quit littering the society with biological children you can not account for: stop giving birth to curses and liabilities. Africa is Blessed!


by IsraelEgwe

Security ought to be an apparatus set up to investigate, prevent, curtail and solve crimes and insurrections, by the arrest of perpetrators, neutralization of insurgents, and restoration of law and order in affected areas. They carry out statutory espionage through clandestine means. This is what the security outfit would ordinarily represent in our everyday society. However, security agencies these days are political tools for witch hunting supposed antagonists, whistle blowing amidst a false alarm, or detaining harmless critics of government. Despite the rising insurgency, crimes of kidnapping, banditry, armed robbery, political thuggery associated with election malpractices; these security outfits turn the other way to these decadence. Instead, they focus their search light where their pay masters tell them. Like a dog on a leash, they are only dutibound to their paymaster's will, more than they are oath bound to uphold, defend and enforce the law in which they are inaugurated, as captured in the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The excesses of these security agencies in Nigeria do not go unnotice. Many Nigerians are aware, but unfortunately, we are becoming more afraid for our lives to agitate or canvass, than we are afraid for our future. Some of us remain however, who will spit into the face of political power and speak into the nozzles of a loaded gun; any one who would use this apparatus for their selfish gains, in order to maintain power, must have their election questioned and revoked. Such people are monsters who stepped on corpses to ascend to power. 

Any agency who by virtue of access to the private informations of the citizenry, allow themselves to be explored by these politicians to monitor, haunt and attack supposed enemies, have abused their purpose. Spying on distressed citizens who only clamour for a better life and dividends of good governance, only to arrest them and threaten them, is a step taken too far. It is dictatory, highly exploitative in fact, satanic. Our nation is bedevilled with monsters, plagued with dictators guised under the subtility of democracy to exhibit varying forms of monstrosity: embezzlement of our commonwealth, humiliation of the judiciary, gagging of the legislature, impairing of the military, crippling of the economy and ruining of our unity, faith, peace and progress. Yet for all the wanton craftiness of these brood of vipers in the helm of affairs, one would hope on those who have sworn to defend the State with their lives to stand up to these demons, rather instead, they become gadgets for law breaking and citizen intimidation. When they enforce laws, it is only against supposed threats to power. Law is not enforced when the unity of the State is under threat; even when they, by espionage, are wary of possible perpetration or terrorism, they allow their selfish principals make them turn a blind eye. "The excess" are becoming an enemy of the State they once swore an oath to protect. Worse now is, that security agencies do not cooperate amongst themselves. The Police, JTF, Air force, Army, Navy, NSCDC, and Immigrations; not with information, not with interventions, not with operations; because they have become selfish with achievements, greedy with gains, and damn lame with excuses. They allow discord among legislative overheads to affect their service. Even sister agencies sweep first-hand information reaching them from 'the excess' under the carpet because their integrity is lost.

Once upon a time, "the excess" was a system of Intelligence, confidentiality, excellence, reprimand, order and intervention. These systems were put in place to identify potential terrorism, but they have turned it into systems to deprive citizens of their rights to privacy, freedom of expression and association.

Their excesses have become their exegesis; "the excess". Perhaps with pun intended, "the excess" is that security agency of government that have abandoned their statutory functions for filthy lucre, amidst abuse of political power. 

This State's security outfit is a sham right now. Armed men with no sense of purpose. They are worse than terrorists. At least terrorists have a goal, and they are people with a mission. They attempt to see their vision through, irrespective of change in leadership or external influence. Unlike terrorists, "the excess" guys have since lost it. Men in suit as they always appear, they have become lapdogs in the hands of political opportunists.

I dare not advocate for terrorism. I am against it with the life that I possess. Any sect that attempts to undermine our sovereignty as a nation, or attempts to dislodge the constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is by no means worthy of any sympathy. I dare say they be given the highest form of punishment. But how long will the nation's security be in shambles? how long will terrorists ravage our communities with impunity? And how long will "the excess" deviate from purpose? 

God help Nigeria.


by IsraelEgwe

People want to just live their carefree lives, making ends meet and having enough to eat. Is that wrong

These people had isolated themselves from formal education, social media, conscious contributions to economic growth, and deliberations on current affairs. Is that also wrong? 

They are people littered in the suburban and rural areas of the country. They are not exempted from societal ills and failures of leadership, but they do not take cognizance to the ills done them, or atleast they are, but for a price. Once compensated, just enough, their hearts merry after such handouts. However menial, they have no other care in the world. From kissing the soil feet of their masters, receiving cash gifts and foodstuff to sustain them a few days, to donating their wards as servants; these people are at your BECK and call. Is this...wrong?

However, the fact is, these people make up the majority in our population. And interestingly, they are up for sale. Their minds are not their own, but their benefactors'. Even their children are not their own, but their slave masters'; the elites. Particularly, the political elites. 

Wait! Do not pity them. They do not need your pity. They have no clue the taste of freedom. How can they understand repercussions when they do not know? how will they care about anything else when they are impoverished? What else do they need if not alleviation, however small the relief?

And amazingly, they often determine the fate of the pockets of activists and patches of learned revolutionaries scattered across the land. Every four years, they decide the next phase of democracy to endure.

When the revolution is attained, these majority would gradually faze out. Unable to cope in the society, their myopic CREDENCE will find safe-haven in extinction. Even they themselves will die out. For a generation will rise from their loins that will curse their fathers and denounce their mothers for their "now" decisions of vote sales and conscience trade. I don't write this for them to read, can they even read?! This is a possible prediction! It will be in no distant time.

These majority can not be cured of their mentality: their path is pathetic. People headed for unending generations of slavery, will they even know it? Their comfort is that their children who are slaves for the elites would one day become elites that would benefit from the CRASS democratic system too. So, they keep producing liabilities for the governing system that allow for embezzlement.

In light of their sly notoriety, the nation is headed no where, but to a repeated cycle of unending frustration among her citizens, caused by a crafty few in politics who have lorded themselves over the destinies of this majority. 

For the unity of the nation, these majority must be fazed out. Else these contraption of two opposite minds will tire out the sane in the society. The minority, who understand the blessings of good governance, would revolt upon accumulated irritation and frustration, year on year. 


by IsraelEgwe


My Idea of Virginity is unpopular among folks, but I can not be denied the right to thinking logically. As I think logically, I denote my own truth. 

Virginity is supposedly defined as celibacy from time of birth. Religiously speaking, a virgin is commonly seen as anyone who has not had sexual relationship before. Nowadays, a virgin may be intimate with a man; I mean, she will get kissed, sucked, licked, fondled, and at times, anal fucked. But she remains a virgin if her hymen (if present) is intact, or her vagina has not hosted a dick before. How ridiculous is this, that the emphasis of this religious term is on sexual intercourse, involving the major sexual organs of the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. There even is a thing called anal virgins now: assholes that have never been fucked. Most of us are virgins in this regard. 

Secular emphasis has now been added on the subject. Society now has a class of oral virgins(mouths that have never fucked, sucked or rimmed), tit virgins(boobs that have never done titjobs), and so on. Virginity is now based on "fuckable" areas in the female. 

"Are you a virgin?"

"Yeah, kinda. I am about 80% a virgin"

"How so?"

"It depends on what part of me answers your question"

 Folks, How ridiculous can this get?!

Amazingly, people have devised ways to beat the religious demands on their sexuality, while chastity is more or less becoming old-school to a few others. The ones who beat the religious demands to their game, often indulge in sexual vices without tampering with their hymen, the body tissue that proves they are virgins. Well, they only try to do that as much as they can, but we know the ball rests in the man's court often times. Most girls who lose their virginity in the process often blame the man for deceiving them. How dumb! What were they thinking to have been so vulnerable. Only a microscopic few men are disciplined enough to refrain from such sexual invitation with their woman. And many men out here are beasts preying on adventurous girls and careless women.

More people, particularly in Africa, are finding their way around it, given its communal sacredness. They maintain their "virginity" amidst other sexual vices. That is, emphasis on vagina virginity now.

Even if virginity was to be about the hymen in the vagina being intact, what about girls born without them? Are they not virgins? Oh yes!, Medical science has proven that not all girls are born with hymen. And there are types to these tissue. Some hymen may not allow the passage of my size of dick. First sexual experience for these ones can be excruciating and even life threatening. Some hymen allow a wide opening for the passage of small cocks. These hymen may remain intact until a big cock comes along. Some hymen may need to be medically torn apart by a physician, before a lady can convenient have menstrual flow and coitus. 

Some girls may have had tiny dicks or dildos fuck them, still the hymen remained intact. Are they still virgins? Hymen or none, penetrated or not, if ones sexual appetite has ever been aroused and satisfied by whatever means, they should cease from being a Virgin. If a dude ejaculated after a sexual activity, probably by masturbation, a blowjob, or handjob, or dry humping; these are done outside the premise of the vagina; does that mean this dude is still a virgin? Or the very fact that he has ejaculated cum, he ceases from being one? What then makes a dude a virgin? That he has never fucked a pussy or that he has never attained climax? If we are to be fair and uphold the gospels of equality and equity, we would damn this virginity talk we have so misconstrued. Virginity should be whether or not a person has had any sexual experience that led to the orgasm of one or two of the actors.

Logically speaking, virginity is overrated. Religiously speaking, virginity has lost its meaning. Emphatically speaking, virginity is a theory that should be erased off our minds. If celibacy is expected of virgins, it should be sacrosanct. Let the so-called virgins uphold their sanctity to the core of their minds, than a part of their flesh. And if by reason of use, you gratify your sexual appetite, shun hypocrisy and religious save-face. None "virgins" are not second class. There are no special people on earth by what they are religiously named, but special people happen when gifted people show their abilities in Fielding thoughts and making impactful ideas on innovation. Virginity as believed, should not be used to define the quality of a person for anything, marriage or relationship. It should not be a yardstick for social or religious judgement.

6. An EXPOSITION on UK and Babel, using ISRAEL as Case Study.

Reference from 1 Kings.




Babel was a structural edifice that commemorated the first of it's kind of ancient civilization to grace the earth. Spearheaded by Nimrod, it was also the first collaborative rebellion against God. Humans sought to create a World system independent of God. Babel was about convenience, and not obedience to God's will. They attempted to do what seemed best for themselves. Thus, by seeking their own means to heaven, and seeking to arrive at their own place in the affairs of the world, one can not discuss this open rebellion as independent of the influence of Lucifer, who himself is known to be the mastermind of the greatest rebellion in all of creation. This Babel was foundational for Idolatry, religions and rational behaviours of humanity. 

Babel would later become known as Babylon. Babylon is spiritually symbolic of evil and abominations of the world. It conquered the world and imposed worldview on nations that it conquered; destroying holy cities and taking God's people into exile. This was symbolic of destroying the beliefs that were foundational for godliness and righteousness in the world. Babylon, in the guise of civilization and world order, gave room to rational philosophies, sexual ideologies and religions.

This Babylon was captured in the book of revelations as the brainchild of the great harlot who seats in power over many nations, tribes, languages and peoples. This great harlot is a demonic Spirit known to be the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth (Rev.17:1–5). This great harlot is a demon of the heirachy with Beelzebub and Lucifer, a Duke of hell. This demon is behind the Sidonian goddess Ashtoreth or Ashteroth, the Moabites' goddess Chemosh, and the Ammonite gods Milcom and Molech. She takes many names in different nations. She is the phoenician goddess called Astarte, the Babylonian goddess called Ishtar. She is invariably associated with the gods and goddesses of the Egyptians, the Hittites, Canaanites, Grecians and Romans. She was often regarded as the goddess or queen of heaven (Jeremiah 44), women, war and sexuality. More specifically, Astarte/Ashteroth was called the goddess of fertility, war and sexual love. 

In first kings 11, Ashteroth was introduced to the united Kingdom of Israel with impunity by Solomon, when he married strange women from nations already under the vices of the Babylonian system (the kingdoms of Israel would only remained united for a short time, soon it was divided). King Solomon commonised idol worship and polluted the land of Israel by subjecting God's people to the influence of Babylon. The people of Israel saw all gods as one, all religions as accomplishing the same purpose; hence they became faltered between opinions. Reason why Elijah the Prophet challenged their ideologies (1 Kings 18:20). The demonic system of Babylon prevailed over the people by corrupting their minds to be religious, philosophical and rational in their worship of the one true God.

This was the beginning of the uprising of the operations of Ashteroth in Israel. The Babylonian system crept into every sphere of influence in Israel. Much of her operations were manifested as sexual abominations, war and bloodshed in all of the land of Israel. Idolatry, Sodomy and all kinds of sexual perversions, like as of Sodom and Gomorrah, became the norm in all the land of Israel and Judah. Attempts by some God-fearing kings in Judah, like Asa(1 Kings 15: 11–13) and Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:46), to rid the lands of Judah of the influence of Ashteroth brought by Solomon could only last the span of their reign. Other kings allowed the Babylonian system hold fort in their time. The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah remained under the stronghold of the great harlot. 

In 1 Kings 16:31, Ahab, King of Israel, marries a Sidonian Princess and priestess of Ashteroth, Jezebel. She further aggravated Israel's rebellion by killing every prophet of God, putting in their place 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Ashteroth/Asherah. Ahab was in authority, as having the right to rule Israel, but Jezebel had the power to control the affairs of the kingdom. She had Israel in her grasp. Israel existed under a Babylonian system before their actually physical captivity. 

The United Kingdom, as of today, has gone the way of perverted philosophies on sexuality and genderism. This is without question, the handiwork of the great harlot, Babylon the great (Ashteroth, Asherah, whatever she is called). She, who is the system of Babylon, has embodied herself in the horns of world powers, including the United Kingdom. Sexual perversion and Sodomy is no longer a vice in a sane world, rather, every faith, peoples, ethnicity and religion is conditioned to accept it as consistent with an evolving world of civility. Babel has become an acceptable label of society, known as LGBTQIA+ community; it is now an acceptable ideology incorporated into our school curricula to be taught to the younger generation. The tenets of our religious doctrine is at the vulge of a total overhaul by these ideologies. Legislations of government have bowed to the dictatorial might of the Babylonian system. 

Every legislation seeks to further support the universalisation of the agenda of Babel, which is to rule the world under rebellion to God. Babel is fast finding grounds on the mountains of world systems. It is no longer rising to the shores of the heavens, but spreading through the crevices of humanity. Unfortunately, it has gained access into every race of the world. If God's investment in man would be preserved, the systems of Babylon must be pulled down.


By IsraelEgwe

First written June 25, 2023

BE DELIBERATE IN ACTION: Let you actions be well calculated and purposeful. You will show class and excellence. You won't have to stress yourself with reasons why. When you hear people say that a person always has a good answer to give or they always know what to do, it simply means the person they talk about has a great sense of dignity. And the talkers hold them in high regard because of it. 

When you live deliberately, you would be void of errors, mistakes and irrational behaviours. What ever you do, people would rather believe you had a good reason for doing that, rather than they confronting and challenging you to defend yourself before them. You will also know you have dignity when your actions attract less fewer criticisms than your inactions. Yes, people would want to hear from or see the action of a person they respect. So, if you want to have some dignity, always be deliberate ND purposeful in your doings. 

THINK MORE, TALK LESS: Even a fool is considered wise if they hold their tongue for a moment. The fewer words you let out, the easier it is to avoid lies, flattery and exaggerations. Your dignity is thus preserved.Blabbermouths do not appreciate in the eye of society. Their dignity is lost to the wind as the many words from their lips blow. Talkactives often are those who throw caution the wind when they talk. They have nothing more to lose when they have since lost their dignity. You would come to know in this world, that the fewer you talk, the better. 

The more you think, the better. I would rather write, than talk. When ever chat on any online platform, I send upon a due diligence. Sometimes I put off my data when typing and sending, so that should the need arise to re-edit, I can. Well, some platforms have now made it possible to edit messages delivered. However, before this, when I'm sure of the message, I turn on my data to send. Beyond my temperament, I find it a wise thing to do. Writing or typing allows you a better opportunity to think, analyse and edit your words before they are released to the world. Be quick to think. Never be quick to talk or conclude.

GIVE EARS, KEEP SECRETS, GIVE COUNSEL: Keeping secrets is one of the hardest thing for man a great number of persons to do in this age. Even those who fane love towards you, sharing your deepest secrets with them, or even your nudity with them, affords them a tool for blackmail, extortion and headlines. I would not blame you. They have no sense of value for themselves, so it would be absurd to expect them give it to others. Those who give ears to people's deepest and darkest outpourings, but fail to keep them are no more than journalists. Journalism is at least a dignified profession: no one expects that secrets be kept by them. 

It is dignifying when you keep secrets. More so, your value is strengthened when in addition o giving a listening ear, you are able to recommend possible solutions. Giving of good advice places you as blessing. Your dignity is established when you can be trusted with secrets and counsel.

SELECTIVELY ASSOCIATE: Choose your company and companions carefully. To be seen with the wrong crowd is to lose respect. To lose respect is to gain suspicion: you become a suspect. Those who do not make friends with any Tom and Jerry are... The fewer your association, the better.

APTLY DISSOCIATE: Should you find yourself in a wrong relationship, quickly break it up. Should you find a person too different from your purpose, refrain. It is a tool for selective association.

OWE NO ONE: No debtor is respected. They are due for harassment. One of the greatest enemy of one's dignity is indebtedness. Your dignity is buried on the grounds of debts.

BE RELATIVELY SCARCE: Even money, one of it's features as a means of trade is the ability to be relatively scarce. When money is excess in circulation, it is not ideal. It becomes devalued. When it is entirely scarce, it is a terrible situation. Therefore, it's relative scarcity places a value on it. The relative scarcity of gold, diamond, and other precious stones in the market is relative. Though their relativity varies among these, however they are treasured because of it. 

To be everywhere is to be no where. "Dignitaries" are a special class of attendees that their presence is a privilege to come by. They are so named because of their relatively scarcity. They occasionally attend occasions. As you may have heard, God may be everywhere, but his manifest presence is not everywhere. That makes Him eternally dignified. His Tangible presence is not common. When you are at every meeting and occasion, you will be commonized. There is no branding in being regular. A regular visitor loses their dignity so much so, they become pests and nuisance. When you choose association, also selectively choose occasions. There are some meetings that do not require your presence more than it does your support. There are some meetings that would not require both. There are some meetings that will require both. And so on. 

DO NOT SHARE, GIVE: Do not share what you can give away. If you can not give it away, do not share. If you share what you can not give, you would not have willingly shared it. Giving places you above the receiver. It is more blessed... When what is asked for is too small to meet the needs of two, let it go. It is dignifying to know that you are at a position to be of assistance.

NEVER WRESTLE AGAINST BLOOD: Do not fight over what can be replaced. That leaves only one thing, a life. Other than your life, do not engage in a physical brawl for any reason. Do not fight because of love, peace or family. You either let it go or you walk or run away. 

DO NOT GIVE UP. LET GO, LET GOD: Do not choose defeat when it comes to circumstances and challenges of life that get to your spirit, soul and body. Were you hurt? Do not give up on the offender, let God lead(let go). Are you sick in the body? Do not give up on treatment, let God heal. Are you depressed or oppressed? Do not give up on life, let God. There is dignity conferred someone who would not take "No" for an answer. Some one whose belief system is strong. They chose to believe. They let go by allowing God take the lead, or being flexible to allow for other approaches to tackling the matter at hand, but they do not give up.

PRIORITIZE ENGAGEMENTS: Let the conversations and occasions you choose to participate in be in line with your destiny fulfilment. Never be found at meetings that has no relevance to building viable relationships, leadership and developing your skills towards making impact. Conversations that add no value to your mental, spiritual and academic health should not be prioritized. When you are only found at these such meetings, you build on your dignity. Those who are engaged in endless talks on entertainment, religion, politics and sports are often among the undervalued. 

NEVER ARGUE: Keep silent or walk away. Arguing is futility; it is time wasting. Those who argue are insecure about their belief system. They think they would lose their religion if they do not put you in a chase with words, concepts and counter ideologies. Argument is not a defense mechanism to protect your belief, rather is a loophole to wreckage of your system. In addition, you may lose your dignity by becoming loud, angry, blasphemous, spiteful and bitter. Seek an opportunity to state your facts or Truth, and once it is stated, never try to convince, instead answer reasonable questions. 

DO NOT TALK UNLESS ASKED: Do not be quick to answer or participate in any forum or discourse. You may be present due to circumstances, but keep calm, observe, think more. You would build dignity by so doing. Soon, your perspective would be asked for, and respected as the conclusion of the whole matter. 

SEEK CONSENT: I do say you seek permission, because it is variable. You may not need permission to help yourself out of a bad relationship. I say consent because it is a situation hat is up to the other party to regard your need. For a property that is not yours, but is available for use, seek the owners consent. "May I", "Can I...", "Do you mind...", "Could/Would you be so kind...", e.t.c., should be part of your vocabulary in this regard. 

SELF CONTROL: Being in control of your appetite, emotions and desires is what is expected if you have any sense of dignity. No matter how vulnerable an opportunity may present itself, being purposeful, respectful, seeking consent, and any other necessary step relevant for your living free and guiltless must not be despised. When you control your appetite, you will not buy because it came into the scope of your visuals. You will not eat because it was offered at that place. You will not hump because they asked for it. You will not retaliate because you have a good reason or an advantage. You will not dress because it is what is in vogue. You will not indulge because you feel isolated. Dignity is often old school. It is a lonely road these times. Why? You are doing something that is not popular in the world today. Who cares about dignity when it does not get h you money right? Everyone is either about making money or making more money. They can ride on anything to get this lucre. It is sad, their dignity is one among the many things they trample on. Shameful acts are praised and followed on the media, and these actors cash out on it. 

WORK RIGHT: There is dignity in labour. Unfortunately, the labour of today is on the gravesites of dignity. Nevertheless, there some of us who still find it dignifying to work smart according set laws, to make ends meet. Criminality terminates dignity. The love and hunger for money has increased greatly all over the world, particularly in Africa. Youths no longer want to work right by making legit income, they want to do fraud, do drugs, do organ harvesting, and other forms of illegal money making ventures. These ones have no dignity to protect anymore. What about you? Keep your dignity in tact. It is key to lasting impact. The handouts you may give to society in the guise of philanthropy may only encourage laziness and blind followership. It is your life encompasses with dignity that impacts mental development towards a crime free society. A Writer, a Graphics Designer, a Pharmacist, A Surveyor, a Medical Doctor, an Engineer, a Lecturer, a Teacher, a Programmer, a Data Analyst, a Journalist, a Banker, an Accountant, a Barrister, a Politician, a Soldier, a Police officer, a Blogger, a Researcher, a Farmer, a Tailor, a Carpenter, a HouseKeeper, a Nanny, a Driver, and many other occupations in our society all have their share of respect and value that we place on them. They hold their heads high in the society knowing that their dignity is not compromised. 

FOLLOW DUE PROCESS: Whether you are on a queue or trying to get justice, know the law. Ask questions before jumping the gong. Wait your turn. If you become shortchanged or cheated because of it, your value just increased. People may think you a fool or slowpoke, but they respect you. "Respectively" is relevant only to a due process or order. Fulfilment is in the little things like this; that we have moral principles that we live and stand for. If you must contest a wrong done to you, see legal redress with the courts law enforcement.


Our Found Writing 📝

Whether fiction or nonfiction, we tell tales that promote reason. We write stories that convey lessons. We convey first hand messages that had not been written anywhere before. We present knowledge in the simplest, choicest, juicest and most direct of ways, for your assimilation. Hoping that you rightly apply that which you understand in your field of life.  FoundWrite is a brainchild of IsraelEgwe . He is the " foundwriter ", a content writer and public health scientist. A believer of logic, originality, excellence and love, with foundations in Christianity, African Tradition, and Medical Science; he explores the books of the bible and medicine, coupled with inspirations, to bring out the most inspiring literature. He also commits himself to alone time for the very purpose of meditation, deep thinking and self reflection. All in an attempt to employ his passion for writing to impact millions around the world. For him, Life is all about impact.  One of his popular founded id


Thinking patterns our ambition in alignment to our imagination. When we think, much of what is in our minds finds bearing to become manifest by our hands. For many, thinking is the way forward. For others, thinking never did them much good, cos often times, they get lucky acting irrationally.  Thoughts are life's way of seeking our permission and cooperation to making realities and possibilities. Nothing becomes in life, until someone thinks. Nothing happens in life, until someone fields their thought. When our minds get notions, ideas or inspirations, it is either between or after thoughts. Thinking opens our minds to receive possibilities. IsraelEgwe's school of thought thinks " every thought is a possibility, if factored in their right times ." What this means is, any thing at all that crosses your mind or you imagine, are all a possibility.  Their possibility is only spread across different times that allows for their manifestations. For instance, I ma