Spirituality, especially Christian spirituality, would do little to ensuring such perceived extensions if one is not deliberately health Wise. Even the most fire-branded 'men of God' die short. They excuse their negligence with the tag "Divine Will". Called to glory when their impact is not needed in heaven in the first place. What were they rushing to heaven to do? I would wonder.
God knows man's life to be as short as a breathe, yet HE made them for a purpose, each one of us. Though a thousand years be nothing more than a day to ELOHIM, man was to live as short as a tithe of it. Why spend a second(a breathe) on earth and go to heaven accusing GOD of calling you home? HE didn't call you. You were negligent, principles shortened your journey, and HE received you home.
120 years is the set mark for man established under heaven; However, your nearing or reaching it has more to do with you than the Divine Will. Consider a healthy environment with it's cleanliness, healthy practices, guided engagements, wise indulgences & serenity; they are factored in our longevity. The British monarch who passed away; Was her long life a product of Goodwill & devotion? Or was it, as many would think, a product of a healthy environment? I would say it is the latter. Quality Healthcare accessibility I might add.
Though the limitations of medical health Care always materializes, yet we can not deny its role in enhancing one's life span.
Beloved, do not wait on a failed governing system, like the one Nigeria is cursed with, to provide you with reasons to live long. Living long is my responsibility, as is yours.
Be guided! Be led!