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My  Idea of Virginity is unpopular among folks, but I can not be denied the right to thinking logically. As I think logically, I denote my own truth.  Virginity is supposedly defined as celibacy from time of birth. Religiously speaking, a virgin is commonly seen as anyone who has not had sexual relationship before. Nowadays, a virgin may be intimate with a man; I mean, she will get kissed, sucked, licked, fondled, and at times, anal fucked. But she remains a virgin if her hymen (if present) is intact, or her vagina has not hosted a dick before. How ridiculous is this, that the emphasis of this religious term is on sexual intercourse, involving the major sexual organs of the penis in the male and the vagina in the female. There even is a thing called anal virgins now: assholes that have never been fucked. Most of us are virgins in this regard.  Secular emphasis has now been added on the subject. Society now has a class of oral virgins(mouths that have never fucked, sucked or rimmed), ti


  There is that tendency lurking within your members. In your heart, or say, your mind, there is that prompting to be bitter or angry at the success, celebration, happiness or testimony of another. Your bestie is getting married, you think you are happy until you check with your flesh. Deep inside you feel jealous. That evil nature in every man strikes a chord; "You should be married first, but you don't even have a relationship". Your classmate got a job, you should be happy, but you don't know why you're not. Your former relationship partner (Ex if you like) got married after you broke up, "why should I be happy?" right? you see what I mean now.  Do you wish she never got married? Do you wish his fiancee jilts him and he comes running back to you? You can not help but not be happy, or too happy for them in such scenarios. There is that bad guy in everyone of us; the flesh. No matter the circumstances leading to your break-up, should you wish someone ba


  Where is your child? The one you have blessed "US" with, where is it? You say don't have a child yet, cos you're not married huh? tsk!  And it will be wrong, atleast by religious standard, to have one out of wedlock huh? Right.  Perhaps you have a biological child you feel circumstantial about [in that, the circumstances surrounding the child's conception and birthing has affected your feelings towards them], and that is suppose to be a plus to society huh? we should cheer you on huh? Yeah right. No! Hell no. That child is actually a liability to society, except they grow to become otherwise. We hope. People taking precedence to marriage and childbearing as if these events are any guarantee to a better society these days. All they do is produce more mouths to feed, more dependence on already scarce resources, and increase the unproductive population. Where is the blessing in that? Unless these little ones grow into assets. Until that is attained, there is no tel


There is that weight on our minds that we carry. There is that push on our Will that will not tarry. There is that voice in our heads telling us to do it now, or never, anyhow. There is that intuition to allow out emotions manifest. There is but one thing happening to us, Pressure. You can not deny it. It is as strong as our desires. An item, a thought, a prompting oppressing our minds: Pressure pushes for our doing, many times it becomes our undoing . When posed with the need to do something urgently, we would often feel a weight. Our relief would be when we do the needful. This needful is often times not what we need, but what our oppressed desires want. We can not help but realise that our minds are oppressed by a force we can not reckon, to do what others do, or get what they have, or proof a point.  The pressure could be external or internal. Most is usually externally. Our succumbing to them gives them a field day in our lives. Peer pressure, pressure from spouse, family, work a


  Spirituality, especially Christian spirituality, would do little to ensuring such perceived extensions if one is not deliberately health Wise. Even the most fire-branded 'men of God' die short. They excuse their negligence with the tag "Divine Will". Called to glory when their impact is not needed in heaven in the first place. What were they rushing to heaven to do? I would wonder.  God knows man's life to be as short as a breathe, yet HE made them for a purpose, each one of us. Though a thousand years be nothing more than a day to ELOHIM, man was to live as short as a tithe of it. Why spend a second(a breathe) on earth and go to heaven accusing GOD of calling you home? HE didn't call you. You were negligent, principles shortened your journey, and HE received you home.  120 years is the set mark for man established under heaven; However, your nearing or reaching it has more to do with you than the Divine Will. Consider a healthy environment with it's cle


  "There is a way that seems right... but the end is death." Proverbs 14:12 The reverse is also true: There is another way that is assuredly right, the end which is life." This path I would that you choose.  In every man's life, choices are made from time to time. WAYS ARE THE WAYS OF LIFE. For every need to live on, there remains a way that we must tread. We must all GO A WAY. Just one way. At a time. In this dispensation of time, no way is without the possibility of a U-turn. But beyond time, the end is eternal. Choices bear eternal consequences beyond this physical realm. In life's dealings, we make choices that rational minds would, after thoughts and consultations, to build their life's worth. However, the measure of it may be wealth, health or posterity. These choices are "GO WAYS" taken by the conscious mind to realise life's possibilities. Howbeit, there remains also a concern to settle. For those that believe there is a life after her


  "Be selective in choosing friends," So they say. "Make viable relationships," they also say. "Be open to relationships," I could agree. Now, I only speak to people who understand relationship as intercourses of minds and spirits. This happens regularly, irrespective of status, gender or age. Rejection as an act of crossing people out totally, who we judge irrelevant in our lives, is something we ought to reconsider. As oft as you meet people, greet (not literally, though implied) them with grace and love. Do not judge Men damned. YOU CAN NOT BE GUIDED OR LED TO DO THAT.  REJECTING PEOPLE DOES NOT INCREASE YOU.  It is no therapy to further heartaches, instead it corrupts your heart before GOD. It is not wisdom, but folly garnished with wickedness. Those your "wicked extended family members" in view: Wisdom does not engage rejection but consideration. Consider your relations with care and the fear of GOD. Though there may be levels to relation, b


Our hearing often overwhelm our conceptions. How that our reasoning is corrupted when sounds, especially noise, constitute interceptions. The mind may need some stillness to conceive ideas. A little bit of quiet may be just enough to produce the hit punchlines. At this time, the ears may do any thing but function. However, this is not all there is to concentration. For some of us, some sounds are just right. Sounds in nature has inspired great stories, articles, lyrics and beats. Even the music in my ears is enough motivation to keep writing, drawing, riding, or doing what I got to do. And for music, there is no denying how it has become part of our day. So we just got to listen. Not all answers come in plain sentences. Some answers come in lyrics with a good sound accompanying it. And somehow, you can only find it in the lips of that artist. Only that you got to play it.  Even then, you may have missed that line a couple times you played that song, until that noisy day you


  Don't bother about life. place your value on Time and life will comply. People who say that life is not fair have only misplaced their values. They are ignorant of their duties in time and seasons. That which takes your time is taking your life.  Ref. 1 Chronicles.12:32 When you place value on Time, you make meaning of it. You understand it; it in turn places a sense of responsibility on you. Time is also a unit of destiny as it is of life. Every expenditure(of time) counts. Ref. Ecclesiates 3 There should be a time for everything in your life, other wise you will find yourself in an unhealthy situation every other time. Place a time value on devotion, prayer, study, exercise, meals, news, relationship, etc. Such times are not exclusive to the material clock. Time is also revealed by promptings, leadings, opportunities, revelations and faith. Your Value on time should not be selfish or godless. FOR EVERY MEETING YOU OVERSEE, ANY EXCEEDANCE UNDERMINES THE LIFE OF THE PARTICIPANTS.


In that little mind lurks the most immature concepts there is. In that childishness resides the most ridiculous context ever. In that notebook is a series of child's play drawings and pointless stories.  But, we would support their immaturity with our experience. We would attend to their childishness by our participation. We would encourage their jottings with more funds.