Where is your child? The one you have blessed "US" with, where is it?
You say don't have a child yet, cos you're not married huh? tsk!
And it will be wrong, atleast by religious standard, to have one out of wedlock huh? Right.
Perhaps you have a biological child you feel circumstantial about [in that, the circumstances surrounding the child's conception and birthing has affected your feelings towards them], and that is suppose to be a plus to society huh? we should cheer you on huh? Yeah right. No! Hell no. That child is actually a liability to society, except they grow to become otherwise. We hope.
People taking precedence to marriage and childbearing as if these events are any guarantee to a better society these days. All they do is produce more mouths to feed, more dependence on already scarce resources, and increase the unproductive population. Where is the blessing in that? Unless these little ones grow into assets. Until that is attained, there is no telling the magnitude of liability coitus keep dumping into our world on a daily.
Rather than produce new babies, what about the millions of abandoned babies in the world? Oh! You want your own, how about you cut to size and shun gender favouritism and myopic traditions. "Oh! this one was a mistake" really? Then own it, keep it, and train it.
Now, how about we focus on impacting younger ready minds with our knowledge and skills to becoming great?! these ones would become the children we have blessed society with. You would have generously sown your quota to the development of society by so doing. Instead of producing bio-seeds whose future is vague; uncertain in a godless and immoral world. They may soon turn out to kill their fathers and curse their mothers.
Also, how about we focus on birthing something unique; an invention, a creation or innovation that will solve a problem in our society. Call it your Brainchild.
What you're able to conceive as immediate contribution to solving your society's challenges is your brainchild. That is what is worth giving birth to from cradle. It is worth boasting about, that you have an original idea that can change your world. This is what should drive your choosing to live in the world where more people are just existing. Let it not be about marriage, or fame, or biological children. Be about impact and service provision. You want to make impact, you want to solve a problem. Not generously donating sperms to ova, and sending some additional mouths to society; or volunteering yourself as a featured participant of the many problems of society.
God forbid! I adore children, but they are not exclusive to biology. You can have children in your career, profession, and any endeavour too: those you raised and trained to be who they are today. We are first to raise children, not make them. Before you make babies, impact the ones around. You think you're mature, help enough other people get mature. You think you're doing well, help enough other people. That is how we birth a better society. That is a birthing we should glory in. Even if we use the system of religion or education to do it.
If you are not ready to raise/train your kids to becoming problem solvers, do not make them. If you only want to train them so they can make enough money and take care of your retired self, that's myopic. Train them to be problem solvers, you won't have to worry about that. At old age, you would be part of their problem anyways. Watch how they try to help you cheat death. Oh Yeah. Problem! You would need a lot of interventions, especially if all you invested in was your Children.
And should you be failing to raise them, you're part of our problem too. You're better of without them, and vice versa. Give them to those who can: through mentorship, coaching, or career; so they can turn out to be assets in the end. Even certain professionals and religious leaders who raise greats in their fields, keep failing at home. If they are wise to a fault, they would acknowledge their short comings and give their bio-seeds a chance by a different hand/method.
Now, do you have a Brainchild? Have you never been inspired, however ridiculous the idea was? Hold on to that thought and field your thoughts. It will become your innovation. It will be a shame, for your age, if you don't have an original idea, invention or innovation to contribute as part of your contribution to alleviating society's challenges. That gift of yours, use it.