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FOUNDATIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF DREAMS FROM SCRIPTURE Acts 2:17 (Joel 2:28) An Exposition by PASTOR ISRAEL ENYIGWE  (ChristCare Royal Gospel Church, Nigeria). Objective : To understand why dreams represent in the life of the New creature To understand the truth about divine dreams Introduction In the Last days, YAHWEH will speak more to HIS spirit filled Children. Dreams will be a common pattern in the last days. It is not exclusive to Old men as we may read, but old men is symbolic of the Prophetic ministry and climate. It is the oldest and most advanced of the five fold ministry.  YAHWEH speaks, and dream is one channel to receiving HIS Will and instructions (Numbers 12:6). The first time the word "Dream" Based is mentioned in the bible is in Genesis 20:3, where God warned Abimelech of impending death of he did not refund Abraham's wife, Sarah. On the law of first mention, the basis and purpose of dreams is to hear from YAHWEH. If we are to put a definition to dreams, Dre


Just a quick reminder: BE IN CONTROL You must be in control of the changes you allow, else you will be shocked at your becoming: a shadow of yourself, or worse, a slave to deteriorating addictions. When you are losing control, there is a telling: what will kill you is brought to the fore. To check for the power of your control over changes you allow, decide to halt them for a while and see if you can. You may want to indulge, imbibe, partake or adopt; but always be in control of the changes you accept. Change is good, Change is important. Just be in control. Be guided! #IsraelEgwe #foundwritemedia


So, at a time I write my friend's name on a document, she was a bit busy at the time but around. In order to spell correctly I simply looked up the name in the Bible. I pray she doesn't see this🤣. Her name is Rachael. Biblically that's the spelling. When I looked into her other document, I saw "Rachal". I thought it was an error, i asked her to be sure, but she dismissed my assumption. That's how she spells it.  I learnt a great deal from that. It's not about people spelling their names wrongly, simply respect their spellings and write it like that. Don't assume you can spell every name, no matter how common or simple you think it is. It is to your shame that you can't spell people's names as they'd choose, yet you do not ask before making mistakes that costs them so much for verifications and tally issues. Stop making applicants, students, etc. pay for your incompetence. #spellcorrectly  #spellnamesright 
A Nigerian preacher recently said, I'll paraphrase and withhold the name, I quote:  "If anyone owes you 10 naira, 5 naira, let it go. That money will not help you. It is poverty mentality and stinginess to hold on to a debt of 20, 10 or 5 naira." Hold on! Let's do some math. If one million persons owe you 10 naira each, how much is that? That's 10 Million naira. That's huge! That's some money you may never count at once as your own o. Anyways, what the preacher said is valid for the dignity of his followers and the owed. However, the truth is what you deem fit works for you. In the context of morality and conscience. Bruh! Collect you balance everywhere! And if you are led to give it after, do that. Or gather your balances, make it substantial and change a life with it. That "change" can change a life when it is big anyways. It is not to be left with business owners. Never! Anyone who expects you to forego your "change" because it is sm


Happy Supreme Friday! When a man is denied the benefit of basic human rights such as freedom of speech and movement, they become less so an animal, for even many common animals are treated better. If you perceive such a man less than an animal for the reasons that the state is labelled a zoo and for any other such divisive perpetrations, then he has been proven right: Caged despite given fair trial and release orders by the courts hit denial. If such a man was found guilty of a breach of state law by the state, and having been subjected to the inference of a competent judiciary, and time and time again been given the privilege of a possible release upon a trial, then the man, like any other human, should be allowed freedom for a time his parole will prove him worthy of repentance. If after the courts decision, higher ups and oppressors in the executive and legislative find it convenient to be contemptible, denying such a man his freedom, then there a telling that the judiciary has been

25 Warning Signs to Help You Avoid falling victim to these Fraudulent Real Estate Developers

  There is the season of demolitions up and down major cities across Nigeria, especially Lagos and Abuja, and the majority of these houses pulled down were either sold by fake real estate companies, fraudulent developers or dubious sellers. To help prevent your own house from being demolished in future, or getting duped into buying properties you will have to forfeit, these are 25 Warning Signs to Help You Avoid falling victim to these Fraudulent Real Estate Developers. 1. A Developer or Owner of a real estate company that roams around with mobile police security is a Fraudster. He has stolen people's money and cannot face them One-on-one to refund their money or land. He is only accessible when you want to pay money to them or when they want to collect your money but disappear afterwards. Alhaja Funke Run oooo!!! 2. A Real Estate company that sells land with only a Contract of Sale and no Deed of Assignment is a scammer. What are they selling to you? They don’t own the lands 100%

An EXPOSITION on Babel, using ISRAEL's history as Case Study.

Reference from 1 Kings. by  ISRAEL ENYIGWE (IsraelEgwe) 2.July.2023 Babel was a structural edifice that commemorated the first of it's kind of ancient civilization to grace the earth. Spearheaded by Nimrod, it was also the first collaborative rebellion against God. Humans sought to create a World system independent of God. Babel was about convenience, and not obedience to God's will. They attempted to do what seemed best for themselves. Thus, by seeking their own means to heaven, and seeking to arrive at their own place in the affairs of the world, one can not discuss this open rebellion as independent of the influence of Lucifer, who himself is known to be the mastermind of the greatest rebellion in all of creation. This Babel was foundational for Idolatry, religions and rational behaviours of humanity.  Babel would later become known as Babylon. Babylon is spiritually symbolic of evil and abominations of the world. It conquered the world and imposed worldview on nations that


From cradle, we are confined to a world of guidance and counselling. Our parents, tutors, elders and role models alike all had something to talk to us about. We were guided as to what and what not to do, when and when not to do those, where and where not to do, and even how and how not to. Do not touch that, wear that, take that that, and so on. We were the dump yard of instructions, rules and regulations. However, all these were borne from good intent. The most loving of hearts tried have our best at heart, yet we turned out this way; different. In adolescence, we began a resistance: protesting for our liberty to be responsible for what, when, where and how we did whatever. Many of us prevailed over our guardians. It was a fuss all the time, and finally they gave up.  You know what, I'm done talking to you and you don't listen to me. There's the key to your life, take it and just drive. You will bear the consequences from now on. Yeah right! Many have regrette


Thinking patterns our ambition in alignment to our imagination. When we think, much of what is in our minds finds bearing to become manifest by our hands. For many, thinking is the way forward. For others, thinking never did them much good, cos often times, they get lucky acting irrationally.  Thoughts are life's way of seeking our permission and cooperation to making realities and possibilities. Nothing becomes in life, until someone thinks. Nothing happens in life, until someone fields their thought. When our minds get notions, ideas or inspirations, it is either between or after thoughts. Thinking opens our minds to receive possibilities. IsraelEgwe's school of thought thinks " every thought is a possibility, if factored in their right times ." What this means is, any thing at all that crosses your mind or you imagine, are all a possibility.  Their possibility is only spread across different times that allows for their manifestations. For instance, I ma