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Acts 2:17 (Joel 2:28)
An Exposition by PASTOR ISRAEL ENYIGWE  (ChristCare Royal Gospel Church, Nigeria).

Objective: To understand why dreams represent in the life of the New creature
To understand the truth about divine dreams

In the Last days, YAHWEH will speak more to HIS spirit filled Children. Dreams will be a common pattern in the last days. It is not exclusive to Old men as we may read, but old men is symbolic of the Prophetic ministry and climate. It is the oldest and most advanced of the five fold ministry. 
YAHWEH speaks, and dream is one channel to receiving HIS Will and instructions (Numbers 12:6). The first time the word "Dream" Based is mentioned in the bible is in Genesis 20:3, where God warned Abimelech of impending death of he did not refund Abraham's wife, Sarah. On the law of first mention, the basis and purpose of dreams is to hear from YAHWEH. If we are to put a definition to dreams, Dreams are divine revelations occuring when we are asleep, indicating current events, possible future events and/or explains what someone should do (Job 33:14–16). Dreams originally come from YAH. They are revelations, but not all revelations are dreams. Other revelations include Visions, trances, inspirations, understanding, etc.
Dreams are the consciousness of the Spirit of a man when his body is unconscious in a state of sleep.
A dream can look so real that the person wakes up with the consciousness of the experience_ Sorrow, terror, affliction, Joy, etc. No wonder the Psalmist likened a "too-good-to-be-true" testimony to a dream (Psalm 126:1).

As divine as the origin and purpose of dreams is, YAHWEH is not the only source of dreams today. Dreams are sourced from three major sources;
2. Man
3. Satan

Job 33:14–16
Dreams from YAH comes as divine revelations. This is the basis of our definition; dreams are meant to be divine revelations. They are part of the Prophetic climate.

We can further categorize Divine dreams into three forms:
I. Instructional Dreams [Genesis 20:3, 31:24; Matthew 1:18–20, 2:12–13, 19] When you consider these scriptures you will see how YAHWEH gives specific instructions to people on what to do. Often these instructions are to be carried out immediately one wakes to consciousness. HE could appear as an Angel or a Man to provide guidance for aversion or intercession.

II. Prophetic Dreams [Genesis 37, 40, 41; Daniel 2; 1 Kings 3:5–15] Joseph, the Baker and the Butler, Pharoah, Nebuchadnezzar and Solomon are people who dreamt of impending happenings for immediate and future. The Prophetic is either foretelling or forthtelling in scope, the former being that something is expected to happen, and the latter being that something is said to have happened as far as the spiritual is concerned. As such, YAHWEH shows things that may happen or things HE wants to do to the dreamer. 
Prophetic Dreams often features Deliverance, help, healing, victory, intervention, promotion, impartation, etc.

III. Expository Dreams [Genesis 28:12,16; Matthew 27:19] "Jacob's Ladder"  themed dream was a revelation of what is hidden to the eyes and obscure to historians. In a dream Jacob got to know that where he slept was a holy ground characterized with angelic activities and divine jurisdiction. In Matthew 27:19, Pirates wife confessed the innocence of JESUS as an innocent, and warned her husband to steer clear of sitting in judgment over the matter. 

YAHWEH can reveal mysteries around your life or about someone else. These dreams often come with instructions once they are discerned or interpreted. Satanic agenda may also be exposed in this kind of dream. 

Summarily, when it comes to divine dreams, there is no bad dream. YAHWEH reveals to redeem. Some of these dreams may be scary, vague or painful –like expository dreams– but it is for our victory. Imagine a revelation about someone you thought had your good at heart, it may be painful, but it is for your good. YAHWEH has our good on mind always.
When there are obscure dreams, interpretation is relevant. One may gain understanding by the help of the Holy Spirit or appeal to the ministry of an interpreter to display their God-given ability and to magnify YAHWEH (Joseph_Genesis 40-41, Daniel_Daniel 2).

Ecclesiastes 5:3
Dreams often arise from the state of the mind. Daniel did not only tell King Nebuchadnezzar his dream and the interpretation, but told him what led to such a dream; a thinking. 
"As for thee, O king, thy thoughts came into thy mind upon thy bed, what should come to pass hereafter: and YAHWEH answered your thoughts." Paraphrased (Daniel 2:29)
We see here how the thought is a door way to our dreams and the mind is a the place of play. In Matthew 1:20, while Joseph thought on what to do, he dreamt an instructional dream.
The take from these truths is, thoughts can become pictures in our minds when we sleep. Emotions, desires, passions and traumas can create thoughts that becomes avenue for our dreams. It is like watching your mind_seeing your desires, fears and insecurities come to play. This is why dreaming while asleep and having a dream(goal) in life often correlate. 
Thoughts create avenue for the spiritual to set in. When Nebuchadnezzar thought, sports got involved. Thank God it was God's spirit.
Man influences his dream by what he thinks often or do often. Your bad dream is a product of your bad ways or bad thoughts (Ecclesiastes 5:3). Your desire or lust (ex. For food, drink, money) produces corresponding dreams. Your environment (ex. Music, movie, discomfort) can also produce dreams. The bible gives an account of hungry men dreaming about food and thirsty men dreaming about drinks (Isaiah 29:8). 

Ecclesiastes 5:3 ERV _ "Bad dreams come from too many worries."

Anxiety and worries are also materials for our dreaming. It is important to note that, there are wandering evil spirits looking for windows of opportunities to get involved in men's lives. These kinds of dreams are opportunities for affliction, oppression and molestation.
When a person with suicidal thoughts sees a loved one in a dream who is deceased beckoning on them to come home, such a person should know that their thoughts have created room for the spirit(demon) to disguise as a loved one to encourage the finalization of their contemplation.

2 Corinthians 2:11
Satan is an unoriginal in operation. His tenets is mimicking YAHWEH and perverting HIS purpose. Satan knows the true purpose of dreams, so he tries to corrupt YAHWEH's message or carry out his own intentions. In Matthew 4, scriptures states that "the devil taketh Jesus...," this is not just the daring level of the devil but it shows the extent to which he can try to invade the progress of man. Satan could invade our minds or attack our spirit if given the opportunity. He may not be able to read our minds, but he can tempt you with wrong thoughts to create access for more of his influence.
Going to the bed with anger or fear is an opportunity for Satan (Ephesians 4:26–27). Sometimes, like Job, Satan may be permitted go threaten or attack the believer. That may be an expository dream. Then, what you do as you wake is crucial: Pray, war.

Some satanic dreams may seem like it is from God (1 John 4:1; 2 Corinthians 11:14–15; 1 Thessalonians 5:21). They are called false dreams (Zechariah 10:2) that lead to falsehood and destruction.
The new creation believer is admonished to give no place to the devil.

1. YAHWEH speaks through dreams. This is is the primarily purpose of dreams.
2. Dreams are real, but may not be final. 
3. To dream shows spiritual health. Not to dream is a spiritual attack / sickness.
4. God reveals to redeem and to be glorified.
5. Anyone may dream, but not everyone can interpret. Dreaming is not a gift, interpretation is.
6. Interpretation and understanding of dreams is from YAHWEH (Daniel 2:20–22; John 16:13).
7. Every dream is subject to the Scripture (Jeremiah 23:28). Do not take your dreams as your final authority even after fasting and prayer. Satan can disguise as an Angel of light giving is instructions that are more like rituals than biblical precepts. Even youths that are in search of a spouse should not go by dreams alone when there are no any other compatibility between the parties. Placing dreams above the word is vanity (Ecclesiastes 5:7).

I believe you know what to do as it concerns dreams by now. I encourage you to keep your soul and spirit pure for divine orchestrated dreams of pleasant pictures to flood our minds. Place value on the Word of YAHWEH above all else. Be watchful and vigilant against the devil. 
Remain Blessed.


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Whether fiction or nonfiction, we tell tales that promote reason. We write stories that convey lessons. We convey first hand messages that had not been written anywhere before. We present knowledge in the simplest, choicest, juicest and most direct of ways, for your assimilation. Hoping that you rightly apply that which you understand in your field of life.  FoundWrite is a brainchild of IsraelEgwe . He is the " foundwriter ", a content writer and public health scientist. A believer of logic, originality, excellence and love, with foundations in Christianity, African Tradition, and Medical Science; he explores the books of the bible and medicine, coupled with inspirations, to bring out the most inspiring literature. He also commits himself to alone time for the very purpose of meditation, deep thinking and self reflection. All in an attempt to employ his passion for writing to impact millions around the world. For him, Life is all about impact.  One of his popular founded id


Thinking patterns our ambition in alignment to our imagination. When we think, much of what is in our minds finds bearing to become manifest by our hands. For many, thinking is the way forward. For others, thinking never did them much good, cos often times, they get lucky acting irrationally.  Thoughts are life's way of seeking our permission and cooperation to making realities and possibilities. Nothing becomes in life, until someone thinks. Nothing happens in life, until someone fields their thought. When our minds get notions, ideas or inspirations, it is either between or after thoughts. Thinking opens our minds to receive possibilities. IsraelEgwe's school of thought thinks " every thought is a possibility, if factored in their right times ." What this means is, any thing at all that crosses your mind or you imagine, are all a possibility.  Their possibility is only spread across different times that allows for their manifestations. For instance, I ma