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An EXPOSITION on Babel, using ISRAEL's history as Case Study.

Reference from 1 Kings.

Babel was a structural edifice that commemorated the first of it's kind of ancient civilization to grace the earth. Spearheaded by Nimrod, it was also the first collaborative rebellion against God. Humans sought to create a World system independent of God. Babel was about convenience, and not obedience to God's will. They attempted to do what seemed best for themselves. Thus, by seeking their own means to heaven, and seeking to arrive at their own place in the affairs of the world, one can not discuss this open rebellion as independent of the influence of Lucifer, who himself is known to be the mastermind of the greatest rebellion in all of creation. This Babel was foundational for Idolatry, religions and rational behaviours of humanity. 

Babel would later become known as Babylon. Babylon is spiritually symbolic of evil and abominations of the world. It conquered the world and imposed worldview on nations that it conquered; destroying holy cities and taking God's people into exile. This was symbolic of destroying the beliefs that were foundational for godliness and righteousness in the world. Babylon, in the guise of civilization and world order, gave room to rational philosophies, sexual ideologies and religions.

This Babylon was captured in the book of revelations as the brainchild of the great harlot who seats in power over many nations, tribes, languages and peoples. This great harlot is a demonic Spirit known to be the mother of harlots and of the abominations of the Earth (Rev.17:1–5). This great harlot is a demon of the heirachy with Beelzebub and Lucifer, a Duke of hell. This demon is behind the Sidonian goddess Ashtoreth or Ashteroth, the Moabites' goddess Chemosh, and the Ammonite gods Milcom and Molech. She takes many names in different nations. She is the phoenician goddess called Astarte, the Babylonian goddess called Ishtar. She is invariably associated with the gods and goddesses of the Egyptians, the Hittites, Canaanites, Grecians and Romans. She was often regarded as the goddess or queen of heaven (Jeremiah 44), women, war and sexuality. More specifically, Astarte/Ashteroth was called the goddess of fertility, war and sexual love. 

In first kings 11, Ashteroth was introduced to the united Kingdom of Israel with impunity by Solomon, when he married strange women from nations already under the vices of the Babylonian system (the kingdoms of Israel would only remained united for a short time, soon it was divided). King Solomon commonised idol worship and polluted the land of Israel by subjecting God's people to the influence of Babylon. The people of Israel saw all gods as one, all religions as accomplishing the same purpose; hence they became faltered between opinions. Reason why Elijah the Prophet challenged their ideologies (1 Kings 18:20). The demonic system of Babylon prevailed over the people by corrupting their minds to be religious, philosophical and rational in their worship of the one true God.

This was the beginning of the uprising of the operations of Ashteroth in Israel. The Babylonian system crept into every sphere of influence in Israel. Much of her operations were manifested as sexual abominations, war and bloodshed in all of the land of Israel. Idolatry, Sodomy and all kinds of sexual perversions, like as of Sodom and Gomorrah, became the norm in all the land of Israel and Judah. Attempts by some God-fearing kings in Judah, like Asa(1 Kings 15: 11–13) and Jehoshaphat (1 Kings 22:46), to rid the lands of Judah of the influence of Ashteroth brought by Solomon could only last the span of their reign. Other kings allowed the Babylonian system hold fort in their time. The divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah remained under the stronghold of the great harlot. 

In 1 Kings 16:31, Ahab, King of Israel, marries a Sidonian Princess and priestess of Ashteroth, Jezebel. She further aggravated Israel's rebellion by killing every prophet of God, putting in their place 450 prophets of Baal, and 400 prophets of Ashteroth/Asherah. Ahab was in authority, as having the right to rule Israel, but Jezebel had the power to control the affairs of the kingdom. She had Israel in her grasp. Israel existed under a Babylonian system before their actually physical captivity. 

The United Kingdom, as of today, has gone the way of perverted philosophies on sexuality and genderism. This is without question, the handiwork of the great harlot, Babylon the great (Ashteroth, Asherah, whatever she is called). She, who is the system of Babylon, has embodied herself in the horns of world powers, including the United Kingdom. Sexual perversion and Sodomy is no longer a vice in a sane world, rather, every faith, peoples, ethnicity and religion is conditioned to accept it as consistent with an evolving world of civility. Babel has become an acceptable label of society, known as LGBTQIA+ community; it is now an acceptable ideology incorporated into our school curricula to be taught to the younger generation. The tenets of our religious doctrine is at the vulge of a total overhaul by these ideologies. Legislations of government have bowed to the dictatorial might of the Babylonian system. 

Every legislation seeks to further support the universalisation of the agenda of Babel, which is to rule the world under rebellion to God. Babel is fast finding grounds on the mountains of world systems. It is no longer rising to the shores of the heavens, but spreading through the crevices of humanity. Unfortunately, it has gained access into every race of the world. If God's investment in man would be preserved, the systems of Babylon must be pulled down.


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